Sunday 18 March 2012

Barely breathing..

i think i looked like this when the plane touched down at Labuan..haha i feel great and happy being at home...spending time with family members.. although i have tonnes of assignments to be done but hell no..i'm soo not gonna finish those works..haha typical me i guess..><
I personally believe that this holiday was one of the special hols as my 'latest' niece was born..herher..quite happy about it even though there were some holes in this was supposed to be a celebration, a joy..but nahh.. i shouldn't talk about this in here..
Nevermind,hehe.. i bought some beautiful shawls though the price was urrgghhh.. how to say.. very irritating..haha
The rest of the days were spent on assignments and catapult prototype..i tell you, to speak is easy but to do it, you need the DETERMINATION.. otherwise, you'll never get it done..:)
Just now, i answered some diabolical math questions..aish..i really hate numbers.. Because of this test, i slept so early every night this week just because i couldn't stand the was so nervewrecking.. So, i'm soo gonna go shopping mall this saturday to release all the weight in my head..:) p/s: you must survive Ausmat programme nadiah!!!

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