Sunday 22 July 2012

Otago, the offer and mochi..

Time goes by fast and now, its Ramadhan!! Wow..really.. I didn't noticed the date until my housemates mentioned about it..
Well, good things first.. a few weeks ago, I went to Bon Odori at Matsushita-thingy-err-i-don't-know with Jia Ling and Fara as well as few acquaintances.. Since it is a Japanese festival, I expect there will be a lot of Japanese wearing yukata and kimono..However, I was totally suprised when I met Malay and Chinese Japanese..hahaha Thank god there was no Indian Japanese..or else my jaws will drop..haha Basically, Fara and I went to Bon Odori for the 'dance' which was conducted at the very end of the festival.. Jia ling had a different agenda though.. She spent her pocket money just to buy foods and drinks.. The funny thing was she got drunk after sipping a glass of white wine..haha and Vanessa recorded her from the beginning until we went home..Just imagined what drunk people would say.. That's what Jia Ling said..-.-
Nevertheless, I enjoyed the ceremony even though the crowds were like a swarm of bees. Plus, I had the opportunity to eat mochi and sushi and the dance! not to mention les hot it was a package muahahahaha!!!

And the highlight event was... *drum rolls*..I GOT THE CONDITIONAL OFFER TO OTAGO UNIVERSITY!!!! wohoooooooo!!! alhamdulillah... not once in my life I've felt any happier but this..this is a case you don't believe me, this is the proof:

Dear Siti Nadiah Binti Dahlan,

Thank you for the opportunity to meet you last month and for your interest in studying at the University of Otago. It was a pleasure to learn about your interests and your commitment to study pharmacy.  Thank you also for the carefully prepared essays and the interview.

I am pleased to advise that you have been successful and I am happy to offer you a place in Pharmacy subject to meeting all required grade and English proficiency levels this year, and subject to satisfactory achievement in the Health Sciences First Year in 2013.  A Conditional Offer of Place, detailing all conditions and requirements, will be sent to you by the University’s International Office once they have received all of your application documentation.  Coordination of the application process will be handled by Selset New Zealand Education Centre and any enquiries should be directed to Selset.

I look forward to seeing you here at Otago in 2013 and wish you all the best for your remaining studies in 2012.

Yours sincerely,

Prof. Ian Tucker
Associate Dean of Admissions

well, this is the point where I need to give my all for SACE more playing around, no more scandal..ehh..-.- kay, just ignore that one..First people I called was mom at the very moment I received the email..her tone was calm, but mehh.. we don't know what's inside right??:)

I have to go now, the urge to study is exploding!!'s a glimpse of Bon Odori festival..
I hate crowds..=.=

Le Faraboo..:)