Friday 29 June 2012

Otago Dilemma..

Almost two weeks of semester 3 has passed, and lots of things happened.. About 2 days ago, I went for an interview..Otago interview to be exact.. Even though the questions were not to hard,  but it seems like the worst interview I've ever attended. However, I think it is an honor for me to be able to meet and have a conversation with Professor Ian Tucker, the professor specializing in pharmacy and was a Director of Otago Pharmacy School Program. He did a lot of researches about drugs and talking to him was ultimately nerve wrecking!! Before my personal experience 'chit-chatting' with him one on one, I thought he would be so mean and serious but the end, i was laughing my ass off to hear him joking about his career. Nevertheless, I learnt something important from my interview session.
'"Communicating with people is the best way to upgrade your social skill"
Thanks to him, now I realize that I need to get rid my shyness to voice out my views or opinions..I just need to say it out loud so that people can hear me, know my stand and respect it.

And my semester 2 results..err..haha it was horrible.. physics got D+..dafakk nadiah...If you wanna study at Otago, you gotta pull yourself together and start studying!!! Even Prof Ian asked you about this..-.- I'm hoping this time, I'll excel in academic..

I miss Labuan a lot..really do.. My family and friends to.. can't wait for upcoming holiday..*yeay*..
And here some pictures from Intec life..haha bye for now!

 Unta, Safwan and Bobo I met at KLCC..haha

The guy wearing white spectacles is freaking genius..and nice too..his name is Yu Jin Fai..:)

Just a day before I took IELTS test.

Syifaa'..Just a very notttyyyy gurl..haha

Some samples of chromatogram my friends and I made during lab session.